“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Oh my goodness, I get so very worried when Paul or Jesus any of the saints of the church say that. Which almost all of them do, in one way or another. Earlier in this same … Read the rest
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Imagining Death into Life

“A new creation is everything!” I just love that joyful exclamation from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. He’s been meditating on the cross of Christ: symbol of God’s great victory over death, absolutely. But in Paul’s time, the cross was not used for jewelry, and nobody would ever have forgotten that it was also an … Read the rest
Continue reading "Imagining Death into Life" »The Sacrificial Yes
Let me tell you a story. It’s a story that’s been around for a while so probably you know it. It begins with space, a beautiful deep space that was made sacred because the Spirit of God hovered over its face. To make something sacred is to sacrifice it—that’s the Latin root of sacri-fice—and so the earth was … Read the rest
Continue reading "The Sacrificial Yes" »God helps those who help each other
God helps those who help themselves. That’s in the Bible, right?
75% of Americans think so, according to Christian demographer and pollster George Barna. Among those of us who ought to know the Bible a bit better than average, 68% of evangelical Christians and 81% of non “born-again” Christians said that “God helps those who help … Read the rest
Continue reading "God helps those who help each other" »To Each According to Their Ability
New Consecration Sunday Proper 28A/Matthew 25:14-30
Maybe you’ve heard it said that your talent is God’s gift to you, and what your do with it is your gift to God. And then again, maybe you’ve heard this one—
“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them… to … Read the rest
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