Amend, Amend, Amen

Lent 3C

“Why should it be wasting the soil?” asked the man with the unfruitful fig tree. I’m guessing he put himself in charge of DOGE, the Department of Gardening Efficiency. “If it’s not bearing fruit that I can see right now, cut that thing right down.”

The irony of this parable is that God is generally not that interested … Read the rest

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Amazing Grapes

Proper 22A


“God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve.” Let me invite you to pay attention to the collect—that’s our opening prayer for Sunday Eucharist—which changes every
week. Some weeks it’s about the season or time of year; sometimes it’s related to the scriptures we … Read the rest

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It’s Not Fair!

Proper 20C

It’s not fair! How many times have we said that. Or at least thought it. I’ll give you a moment to remember the last time somebody cut in front of you in traffic or someone declared bankruptcy after racking up irresponsible debt. Do you feel just a bit of anger over the injustice of it all? And if … Read the rest

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Leavened with Compassion

Proper 12A

“Lord, teach us to pray,” the disciples asked of Jesus, according to Luke’s Gospel. And in response, Jesus gave them what we now know as the Lord’s Prayer, perhaps the most beloved and enduring prayer in our tradition. From foxholes to hospitals to bedtime rituals to Episcopal liturgies of every kind, we pray and we sing “thy kingdom … Read the rest

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Of Seeds, Seas, and Trees

Proper 22C

I’m all in favor of increasing faith, but what does the mustard seed have against the poor mulberry tree, casting it out to sea to prove a point? And what a curious metaphor for our Lord to choose. Although nothing in Luke’s retelling of this parable suggests that the out-of-place tree drowned, the imagery is confusing. In general, … Read the rest

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This Is Not A Parable

Proper 20C

There once was a rich man who owned an invaluable gemstone weighing well over 100 carats, one of the largest cut diamonds in the world. And the local factions in his country fought over it for at least a century, until it passed into the hands of a colonial queen in a far-away land. All of the rich … Read the rest

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Discerned Profligacy

Proper 10A

Our collect appointed for this Sunday—listen, and you’ll hear it later in the service—prays for God to give us knowledge and understanding about what things we ought to do. That’s a very good prayer for what we Christians sometimes call discernment. That is, our practices for choosing the right course of action, as followers of Jesus.

But honestly, … Read the rest

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Persevere in Hope

Proper 24C

What a way to begin ministry together! Consider the stories of faith we’ve heard this morning: a deceitful patriarch Jacob getting his hip put out of joint while wrestling with God, and a strict Paul admonishing his protégé Timothy to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. And then there’s that peevish judge in Jesus’ parable, who … Read the rest

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The Name You Know

Proper 21C
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Several years ago, when I was a brand new priest serving on the staff of the bishop of the Diocese of California, I was asked to be the spiritual director for a weekend retreat. The retreat, an extension of well-established prison ministry, was designed for women whose husbands or … Read the rest

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Dangerous Eating

Proper 17C
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It’s all about the meals, according to New Testament scholar Robert Karris. In his book “Eating your Way through Luke’s Gospel,” he points out that Jesus almost always seems to be either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal. And in the Gospel we just heard, Jesus is teaching about … Read the rest

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