Mount Sinai, site of the revelation to Moses and source of the ten commandments. Mount Tabor, site of the Transfiguration we just heard about. And shortly, we’ll enter Lent and journey towards Golgotha, hilltop site of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mountain after mountain after mountain… our Judeo-Christian ancestors clearly love stories that take place on mountains! And of course, it’s … Read the rest
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Remembering the Future
The week before last I traveled to Denver Colorado to visit my father, who is very sick. More about that in a minute. But here’s the thing. In order to get there within our COVID bubble, my husband John and I drove the 1300 mile trip, out and back. Which meant that we crossed the Rocky Mountains in … Read the rest
Continue reading "Remembering the Future" »The View from the Mountain

A little less than a year ago, I was driving from my previous Trinity Cathedral in Portland Oregon to my current Trinity Cathedral to be with you. Because I was travelling with my son Aaron—you’ll see him in our upcoming children’s moment—we stopped to visit Crater Lake and some of the other magnificent landscapes along the way. As … Read the rest
Continue reading "The View from the Mountain" »The View from the Cursillo Mountain Top
De Colores!
What a privilege to be invited to share in this Cursillo weekend with you. For me its been a sacred time that began with my prayers for you all week. And I’ve also been thinking a lot about Moses on Mount Nebo looking out over the promised land, and also about Jesus summarizing the law and the prophets … Read the rest
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