If you’ve been in church over the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed a lot of people asking questions of Jesus, at least as Matthew’s Gospel tells it. From last week: “is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” And this week we overhear a Pharisee asking “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the … Read the rest
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Clothed with Generosity
“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Oh my goodness, I get so very worried when Paul or Jesus any of the saints of the church say that. Which almost all of them do, in one way or another. Earlier in this same … Read the rest
Continue reading "Clothed with Generosity" »Party Dressed
Not every gathering is the right one to attend, and we can’t always come just as we are. I’ll confess that this is a challenging idea for me, being the extravert that I am. I tend to look upon every group as another chance to meet more of God’s beloved people and to celebrate the big, joyous, diverse … Read the rest
Continue reading "Party Dressed" »Clothed for the Kingdom
Friends, how did you get in here? That’s a serious question. Did you walk, drive, take the train? Did you come through the south or north doors, or through the slype, that little vestibule over there? When you arrived, did someone greet you with kindness, hand you a bulletin, tell you where to take your children or show … Read the rest
The View from the Cursillo Mountain Top
De Colores!
What a privilege to be invited to share in this Cursillo weekend with you. For me its been a sacred time that began with my prayers for you all week. And I’ve also been thinking a lot about Moses on Mount Nebo looking out over the promised land, and also about Jesus summarizing the law and the prophets … Read the rest
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