Where does God live? That’s a serious question. Or at least it was a question of utmost seriousness in the 11th century BCE, at the time when David had largely united the tribes of Israel into the kingdom God had promised. Having won peace and stability, David decided to do something special for God; specifically, to build … Read the rest
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Careful of the Word
Colossians 3:12-17
Luke 1:39-57
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, Paul wrote in his beautiful Christocentric letter to the Church in Colosse. Well, yes. May it be true for you and for me. Nevertheless, I find myself wondering if, for young Mary of Nazareth—who so gracefully accepted her unique role as God-bearer—there might have been something of … Read the rest
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There is feminist principle for assessing literature and movies called the Bechdel test; maybe you’ve heard of it? It asks whether and how often the work features at least two woman—with names—talking about something other than a man.
So let me say right up front, that the Bible does not fare well on the Bechdel test. … Read the rest
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