If you stay around for the annual meeting after this worship service—and I certainly hope that you do—we’ll be shining a light on the way forward for Trinity. We’ll be electing a new vestry and previewing new ministries. And that hopeful look ahead is good and right. But in church we’re always looking backward too. We at Trinity—more … Read the rest
Continue reading "Looking Back to the Future" »Category: Sermons
Letting Go and Going Forth
This and next Sunday are exceptional days for Trinity Cathedral. Next week is our annual parish meeting, and today people who will be at Trinity in person will not be hearing a regular sermon, but rather contemplating a Biblical text together. So I’d like to invite you to engage in something similar alongside us, all with the goal … Read the rest
Continue reading "Letting Go and Going Forth" »The Vision is (in)You
“You will see greater things than these… you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” Um, OK. That sounds pretty thrilling, but I can’t say that I’ve seen exactly that. And on the surface of things, vertical parades of angels over Jesus seems like a rather high bar … Read the rest
Continue reading "The Vision is (in)You" »Looking for Light
As many of you know, I’m the daughter of an astronomer. Specifically, an astronomer who studied supernovae, the luminous explosions of stars at the end of their lives. My father’s passion for the heavens opened literal vistas for me. He showed me that the night sky is alive with cosmic drama: births and deaths of stars, light … Read the rest
Continue reading "Looking for Light" »Not the Light
When my kids were younger, our family had a tradition of inviting the neighborhood kids over—most of whom were not Christian—to help decorate our Christmas tree. We served sweet treats rather like we’re doing at Trinity today, and invited them to make some crafts to decorate the tree with or take back to their own homes. It was … Read the rest
Continue reading "Not the Light" »Message from the Margin
Until a few years ago, my family owned a primitive cabin in the Redwoods near the Russian River. The site was green and romantic and beautiful, but the cabin was not an easy place to maintain. The overstory cast a deep shade, and moisture so permeated the ecosystem such that everything seemed to compost overnight. Including the nylon … Read the rest
Continue reading "Message from the Margin" »Peculiar Kingship
Today being Christ the King Sunday, and myself never having lived under the authority of an earthly king, I thought I’d better do some research into how my peers think about kings. So I did what contemporary people do, and turned to the Oracle of Mountain View—that being Google—for insight.
I figured that I’d learn a … Read the rest
Continue reading "Peculiar Kingship" »Wisdom in the Wait
When my kids were little I used to carry bandaids in my wallet. I felt prepared for almost every parenting emergency, because bandaids heal basically every childhood hurt. We all know that, right? It seemed so easy then. But then we grow up, and wonder: will there be a bandaid—or its comforting equivalent—when we need it? Will there … Read the rest
Continue reading "Wisdom in the Wait" »Questioning the Questions
If you’ve been in church over the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed a lot of people asking questions of Jesus, at least as Matthew’s Gospel tells it. From last week: “is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” And this week we overhear a Pharisee asking “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the … Read the rest
Continue reading "Questioning the Questions" »Clothed with Generosity
“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Oh my goodness, I get so very worried when Paul or Jesus any of the saints of the church say that. Which almost all of them do, in one way or another. Earlier in this same … Read the rest
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