Chosen for the Way

Easter 5A

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” It’s a good question, no? The kind of clarity-seeking question we have come to expect of Thomas the doubter, who wanted to see it before he believed it. And from our vantage point in Santa Clara County during this … Read the rest

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The Way to the Bread/El Camino hacia el Pan

Easter 3A

“He had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” I remember the first time I read that phrase, and it came to me with a shock of recognition. For Jesus had indeed been made known to me in the breaking of the bread. My adult priesthood has been intimately shaped by my youthful Christian … Read the rest

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Holy Fracture/Santo Fracaso

Palm/Passion Sunday 2020

They didn’t train us for this in seminary. And by this, I don’t mean pastoring through a global pandemic, or becoming video producers or online educators. Although most of us didn’t know much about that before the COVID-19 quarantine, so we’re all learning on the job, no?

No nos entrenaron para esto en el seminario. Y no Read the rest

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Once, and for All

Lent 5A

“Unbind him, and let him go,” said Jesus to Lazarus who had just emerged from the tomb. That’s from the 11th chapter of John’s Gospel. And then from the 20th chapter: “Do not hold on to me” said Jesus to Mary Magdalene when he himself had emerged from the tomb. While our Christian scriptures insist—from beginning … Read the rest

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What’s the Question?

Lent 4A

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“Rabbi, who sinned, that we are all in quarantine?” The Chinese? The Europeans? Fox News?

We mostly don’t ask that kind of question anymore, at least not of our religious leaders. Exactly nobody has asked me whose sin caused the Novel Corona Virus epidemic, although a few people have asked me if we are living in the end … Read the rest

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Lent 1A

Did you know that the two most common stress dreams for North Americans are showing up unprepared for the test, and being naked in public? I bet just my mention of those dreams makes a few of us feel anxious, because they are such unsettling experiences. I haven’t had a stress dream for a while, because the last … Read the rest

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The Law and the Little

Epiphany 5A

I can still remember the first time somebody gave me salted fruit. I was visiting a pineapple plantation in Nicaragua, and the grower cut a fresh ripe pineapple in the field. He sliced it into these bright tantalizing spears, and my mouth was watering for the tang. I was just about to take the slice from his hand … Read the rest

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Light Bearers


I have a long commute from Berkeley to San Jose every day—I think you know that—and I confess that I struggle to find the holiness of the freeway. I know it’s there. Just last week Matthew’s Jesus reminded us that the kingdom of heaven has come near. And I really do believe that is equally true everywhere. So if … Read the rest

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Repent: Change Your Mind

Epiphany 3A

My friends, repent. For the kingdom of heaven has come near. What a great invitation to our annual meeting!

That kingdom of heaven thing; it sounds like a good idea, no? But since it’s one of those many church-ey phrases that we don’t really use in everyday conversation, I found myself curious about what it might mean. Matthew … Read the rest

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Called to Love

Epiphany 2A

There’s a popular adage, “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I did a bit of online research and discovered that this was almost certainly not said by Confucius, despite many such attributions. It was also likely not said first by Harvey Mackey or Marc Anthony. In fact, nobody seems to know … Read the rest

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