Beyond the First Step

Easter 3B

How do any of us ever get up and walk? “Through our own power or piety?” Peter asked rhetorically of people who had just witnessed a healing at the Jerusalem temple. The lame man walked only because of God’s grace. Likely we didn’t get onto our feet through our own power or piety either, but how would we … Read the rest

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Can it be that Bad?

Last Sunday, during our noon forum hour we showed the first of twelve videos produced by the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real. They feature conversations with local Episcopalians of color, and I have found them to be very moving. Today we’ll be hearing from Salying Wong, rector of St. Thomas Sunnyvale. But last week the video featured Brett Wormley, … Read the rest

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Remembering the Future

Last Epiphany/Transfiguration

The week before last I traveled to Denver Colorado to visit my father, who is very sick. More about that in a minute. But here’s the thing. In order to get there within our COVID bubble, my husband John and I drove the 1300 mile trip, out and back. Which meant that we crossed the Rocky Mountains in … Read the rest

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Fever for Service

Epiphany 5B

Someone in this house has just recovered from a fever, has been lifted up, and is serving God. I don’t necessarily know who it is. Although… you may. The person recovered from the fever may even be you.

I know that it has been me. Lord knows I’ve had some debilitating fevers in my life: the fever of … Read the rest

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Can Anything Good Come Out of Georgia?

Epiphany 2B

Some eight years ago, just before my ordination, I had the privilege of making a long spiritual retreat. It was an entire month, and it was at a Jesuit retreat center that kept a rigorous rule of silence. There in the quiet of the Colorado mountains, I learned—like Samuel—to hear God call me by name. Or rather, I … Read the rest

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Spirit Level

It’s so good to be back with you! Over the holidays, my husband John and I spent a few days in Cambria on the Central Coast. We fell in love anew with the sparkling sand and rugged beachheads and windswept bluffs, which is generally excitement enough for we inland residents. But it happened that we were in San Simeon just … Read the rest

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Home is in the Heart

Advent 4B

Where does God live? That’s a serious question. Or at least it was a question of utmost seriousness in the 11th century BCE, at the time when David had largely united the tribes of Israel into the kingdom God had promised. Having won peace and stability, David decided to do something special for God; specifically, to build … Read the rest

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A Wilderness of Discomfort

Advent 2B

Until last year, my family owned a primitive cabin in the Redwoods near the Russian River. The site was green and romantic and beautiful, but the cabin was not an easy place to maintain. The overstory cast a deep shade, and moisture so permeated the ecosystem such that everything seemed to compost overnight. Including nylon mesh, which I … Read the rest

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The Alarm of Advent

Advent 1B

“You do not know when the time will come.” Truer words have never been said on the first Sunday of Advent, no? Here we find ourselves, waiting for so many things whose arrival date is uncertain. The peaceful transition of presidential power, for example, or the widespread availability of a good vaccine for COVID-19. We’re waiting for businesses … Read the rest

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Saints, Revealed

All Saints 2020

Beloved, we are God’s children right now—nothing is more true than that—but what we will be has not yet been revealed. I find so much comfort in that statement from the First Letter of John, but also plenty of challenge. How will the witness of my life be revealed when generations to come look back on my … Read the rest

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