

Epiphany 2C

I’m a California native, so I’ve known a lifetime of water scarcity. Which is not actually that different from the experience of Jesus’ followers living in the Galilean desert. And yet, there were six stone water jars, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Glory… God’s glory is like that!

We live in a grape-growing region, where what limited … Read the rest

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Family & the Father’s House

Christmas 2

In the Roman Catholic tradition—although not in the Episcopal Church—the Gospel we just heard is proclaimed on the Sunday after Christmas Day, for what is called the “Feast of the Holy Family.” And why not honor this intrepid family? We’ve just heard of Mary and Joseph’s fateful journey to Bethlehem, and of Jesus’ heralded birth, so why not … Read the rest

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Telescoping History

Christmas 2021

It wasn’t supposed to happen today. Not on Christmas Eve, anyway. The James Webb Space Telescope that launched this morning has been in the works for decades. But its launch has been delayed so many times over the years that many believed it would never happen. Someone on Twitter even joked that we needn’t fear the Webb Telescope … Read the rest

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The King’s Law

Christ the King

What a privilege to be here, this Sunday of the feast of Christ the King. Which also happens to be the celebration of Hipolito, Tom, Mariann and Chris the Canons. I too have served as both an honorary canon and canon residentiary in my ministry, so I remember these celebrations with joy. I know I’m not telling … Read the rest

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Proper 23B

Follow Jesus or go away grieving. How many of us have ever faced a decision that felt so consequential and so… binary? Get married or stay single or divorce. Buy a car or not. Have a child. Quit a job. We struggle with these kinds of decisions, and rightfully so, especially if we think that choosing one possibility … Read the rest

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Eat THIS Bread

Proper 14B

What are you hungry for? What kind of bread actually fills you up? What would it really be like to never hunger again? By Biblical standards, those are serious questions; perhaps some of the most serious questions any of us will ever ask of ourselves. And according to Jesus, the answer has everything to do with how we … Read the rest

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What Is It?

Proper 13B

What is it? Given that the Israelites were far from home and hungry, and what was available to them was a peculiar flaky substance left behind by the dew after a flock of quails invaded their camp, that seems like an entirely fair question. Moses attempted to reassure them by saying “it is the bread that the Lord has given … Read the rest

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All Heaven Breaking Loose

Proper 12B

The feeding of the five thousand, according to John. If we’ve been coming to church for a while, we’ve heard this story so many times. And we should hear it many times! It’s so central to Jesus’ ministry that it is the only miracle to appear—in its various versions—in all four Gospels. It underlies our ritual practices of … Read the rest

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Proper 9B

I know a person… who was caught up into Paradise,” Paul wrote to the church in Corinth nearly two thousand years ago. “Even considering the exceptional character of the revelations, however, I refrain from boasting.”

This passage is one of my favorites in all of Paul’s voluminous correspondence to the early church, in large part because it … Read the rest

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Live Without Fear

Proper 8B

“Your daughter is dead.” I can imagine no more dreadful words for a parent to hear, and it almost makes me tremble to say them out loud on a Sunday when we celebrate my own adult child’s ministry at Trinity. Given his childhood mischief—some of it acted out in church—Lord knows how he reached adulthood alive! And soon … Read the rest

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