One of the privileges of serving our diocesan community in the area of Christian formation—which is my day job—is that I get to work with a lot of young people who are really passionate about faith. They constantly inspire me to imagine and to work for a the kingdom of God. But I pray for them continually, because … Read the rest
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Saying Yes and Saying No
“What do you think?” Jesus asked the chief priests and elders. Well, what do YOU think about the behavior of these two sons? Is it better to be a hypocrite or a nay-sayer?
Spoiler alert: this parable was kind of a trap for the temple authorities, because Jesus was using it to reveal their own hypocrisy. They gave … Read the rest
Continue reading "Saying Yes and Saying No" »Wrecking the Roof
“Why do you raise such questions in your heart?” Jesus asks the scribes and Pharisees. Pharisees being rather strict observers of aspects of Jewish law and tradition, and scribes being the professional scholars who interpreted Holy Scripture. You might think of me, as a priest, as something of a latter-day scribe. And so I can hear that question … Read the rest
Continue reading "Wrecking the Roof" »The Front Matter and the Foundation
Advent 1B 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve always wanted to say that to a congregation. I’m a relatively new priest and its still kind of a holy surprise to speak the words spoken by apostles who went before me.
We heard this greeting near the beginning … Read the rest
Continue reading "The Front Matter and the Foundation" »To Each According to Their Ability
New Consecration Sunday Proper 28A/Matthew 25:14-30
Maybe you’ve heard it said that your talent is God’s gift to you, and what your do with it is your gift to God. And then again, maybe you’ve heard this one—
“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them… to … Read the rest
Continue reading "To Each According to Their Ability" »Who are These, Robed in White?
All Saints Sunday Revelation 7: 9-17
“Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?” I have been quite captivated by this question from our first lesson. For one, thing I myself am robed in white, so you would be totally within your rights to ask who I am and where I came from. Over the course … Read the rest
The View from the Cursillo Mountain Top
De Colores!
What a privilege to be invited to share in this Cursillo weekend with you. For me its been a sacred time that began with my prayers for you all week. And I’ve also been thinking a lot about Moses on Mount Nebo looking out over the promised land, and also about Jesus summarizing the law and the prophets … Read the rest
Continue reading "The View from the Cursillo Mountain Top" »Francis and Feeding the Wolves
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is … Read the rest
Continue reading "Francis and Feeding the Wolves" »You Know the Way
I chanced to be listening to a favorite radio news station show a few days ago, when—because its election season—the programming had been commandeered by a broadcast debate between the mayoral candidates of our nearby metropolis of San Jose. The candidates are both liberal democrats, so in order to liven things up, a comedian in the … Read the rest
Angelology Amidst the Brambles
According to the folklore of Celtic Christianity, blackberries should not be picked after the Feast of Michaelmas. This because, as the stories go, Satan was banished from heaven on this day, fell into a blackberry bramble and either cursed it, spat on it, or—in my favorite version—urinated on it.
I find these apocryphal tales to … Read the rest
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