
After the First Step

Easter 4B

How do any of us ever get up and walk? “Through our own power or piety?” Peter asked rhetorically of people who had just witnessed a healing at the Jerusalem temple. Of course not. The lame man walked because of God’s grace alone. That was their lesson. But have we learned it for ourselves? Likely we didn’t get … Read the rest

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Future In Breaking

Epiphany 5C

Fish. So very many fish that the very nets were breaking! Who doesn’t love those images of God the multiplier of every good thing? Loaves and fishes and water into wine and most especially the people that Peter was called to catch. Nets and boats full of fish, tables full of food and mountains and beaches and plains … Read the rest

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Guest Preacher: Canon Anthony Guillén

Preached at St. Thomas Parish, DuPont Circle: Martin Luther King Sunday

Today we celebrate the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr whom I have admired all my life. As a young boy I saw him on TV as he led marches and spoke to the world – advocating for a society based on justice, equal … Read the rest

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The Miracle Between Us

Proper 25B

I’m both the daughter and the mother of physicists, so—even though I was never much of a scientist myself—I am fascinated with the intersection of scientific ideas and theology. I think that I share this interest with your priest, who has been kind enough to allow me to preach from her pulpit twice. Thank you, Mother Neli! Let … Read the rest

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Pray. As You Can.

Proper 24B

When my two sons were young and we’d travel anywhere by car, they’d race to the driver’s side door calling “shotgun” at the top of their lungs. Honestly, I’m not really sure what the value of sitting in that front seat was. Because actually when they got a little older—and especially when their friends were in the car—nobody … Read the rest

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Proper 21B

“Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit on them,” lamented Moses, some 15 centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ.

“¡Ojalá el Señor le diera su espíritu a todo su pueblo, y todos fueran profetas!” se lamentó Moisés, unos 15 siglos antes del nacimiento de Jesucristo.

Today, I am surrounded by prophets. … Read the rest

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Wisdom Where We Least Expect It

Proper 20B

I’ve got a question for you. Who is wise and understanding among you?

The letter of James poses that question rhetorically, because the author already has an answer ready for us: “wisdom… is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy.” If that’s what you’re … Read the rest

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An Inside Out Gospel

Proper 17B

John and I went to the movies last weekend. I don’t know about you, but that’s kind of a big deal for us these days. In the post-Covid era, that’s one of the social pleasures that we seem to do less of, and we have to learn how to do it again. That and church, I suppose. I … Read the rest

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Guest Post: The Sermon I Wish I had Preached

Generously provided by my colleague The Very Rev. Sandye Wilson, Interim Dean
Cathedral of All Saints, St Thomas, VI

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

Church, I’ve got a word for you today! In the midst of a nation that feels divided, weary, and in need of healing, I want to talk to you about something powerful, something unstoppable—the Joyful Warriors of this year’s

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The Questions Themselves

Proper 13B

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. … Read the rest

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Conspiracy Theory

Proper 11B

So I’ve been thinking about conspiracy theories this week. And no—before you start worrying about me—they have nothing to do with why the Secret Service didn’t heed warnings about a shooter climbing an adjacent building. Nor do they have to do with angels surrounding the former president nor with any divine anointing of his ear with blood. The … Read the rest

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